Tamriel Chronicles
4 – The Girl Who Loves Mushrooms
Runa Cap,
seems to me that as of late I am seeing mushrooms everywhere I go so
I took it as a sign that I should check in with you and young Karl.
Recently I was in Solstheim writing another letter while sitting atop
a wondrous giant mushroom. You would have been in awe. The
mushrooms were bigger than the buildings of the settlements. They
towered over everything in sight. I would love to take you and Karl,
whenever time will allow that is. Now I am in a small cave that goes
by the name of Reachwater Rock. It is a nice quiet spot tucked away
behind a quaint little waterfall hidden in the hills around Markarth.
I wish I were here under better circumstances, but I'm not going to
bore you with that drivel. As I write this I am surrounded by all
sorts of your favorite fungus. There's Namira's Rot, Fly Amanita,
Bleeding Crowns, Imp Stools, and I've even seen a handful of White
Caps and Blisterwart here and there. You would be in heaven, child.
I think you would consider it perfect if it had those little glowing
caps that you love so much. It certainly isn't as impressive as the
cave you engineered, but it is all natural and it made me think of
you and smile so I had to sit down and write.
have the nightmares been? I hope they have lessened up for you. I
worry about your mind, young one. If you break, then who will take
care of Karl? He is such a bright young boy and under your guidance
I think he is going to make a very respectable Nord. I am still
trying to find the bandits that wronged you. I will find them. I
promised you that when I found you and I will see it through to the
end. I hope business is going well; both at the shop you work at and
in your personal endeavors. It's truly amazing to see all that you
can do with a simple bit of fungus. Who would've thought you could
make so many things from mushrooms? Which reminds me. I would love
some of your medicinal tonics. They are so much better than the
drivel I collect during my adventures. I'll buy as many as you can
make between now and the next time I see you. I should be going back
to Winterhold rather soon if my plans hold up. I have much to share
with you. I have been quite busy with all this Dragonborn nonsense.
I look forward to a little R&R with you and little Karl. Give
him a little punch on the shoulder for me. Tell him Slits will be
there soon.
The Tamriel Chronicles - Letter 4
Reviewed by ThatNerdGuy0627
March 07, 2018

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