A Blast From The Past
very much like Mario, is a beloved video game character that has been
around for quite a while. He is quickly closing in on his 30th anniversary. He is a character who has had many ups and downs in
regards to the quality of his games. Regardless of this fact he has
a considerable loyal following of fans that eagerly await each
release. Sonic Mania is a blast from the past that reclaims
the speedy side scrolling magic that made Sonic's initial releases so
much fun. It recaptures and replicates this formula perfectly and
proves even retro gameplay can still be as fun as more modern
selections. I was floored by how much polish this game had and by
how much fun it was to play. It's also worth mentioning that this
game only cost 1/3 of the price of most AAA games and is
better than many of them.
A Tale of Three Heroes
Mania gives you the choice of speeding and spin dashing through
its 12 zones as either Sonic, Tails, or Knuckles. You can also take
Sonic and Tails through the campaign together just like in retro
games such as Sonic 2. The games 12 zones are a nice mix of
remixed retro stages as well as all new zones that are brand new to
this adventure. The remixed zones tend to have one stage that is
ripped straight from a retro Sonic title, such as Chemical Plant Act
1, but they also contain a brand new stage for that zone that
introduces new mechanics and snazzier effects into these fan
brand new zones were a lot of fun and very good looking. They were
very colorful stages that had a lot going on within them. I wanted
to explore every nook and cranny the game contained. You find all
sorts of challenges and “easter eggs” littered throughout every
stage and it will make you want to replay and explore. There are so
many paths through each stage and some of them are wildly different
and even require you to play as a specific character to see. The
reworked zones also shine. The developers do recycle some old
gimmicks but also introduce all sorts of new elaborate pitfalls and
obstacles that constantly left me surprised every step of the way.
The old zones also contain tons of visual tweaks that make them more
beautiful than they've ever been. All of the colors have been
reworked to pop off the screen. The stages are definitely more
detailed than their retro counterparts and feature a lot more
movement in both the foreground and background. I absolutely adore
the 2-D pixel art graphics and it recaptures the Sonic from my youth
perfectly; down to Sonic tapping his foot when you leave him idle for
too long. The game's soundtrack is just as excellent as the rest of
the game and features some standout remixes of classic tracks right
alongside some wonderful new compositions.
stages also make a return in Sonic Mania and there are two
types of them. As you speed through each stage you will encounter
checkpoints that allow you access to the red/blue sphere special
stages from Sonic The Hedgehog 3, if you are carrying enough
rings. These stages do not reward you with chaos emeralds. Instead
you earn medals that give you access to some unique unlockable
features such as a debug mode, sound test, and even some hidden mini
games. These stages seemed easy at first, but I found them very hard
to master. If it's the “Chaos Emeralds” you are after then you
are gonna want to tackle the “UFO Chaser” special stage by
finding the huge rings that are located throughout each level. Once
you get all the “Chaos Emeralds” you can even turn into the
legendary Super Sonic which is an absolute blast.
The game
is also littered with boss fights that were very fun to play. You
get a mini boss in each of the first acts of zones as well as a more
intimidating boss at the end of the final act. I loved each and
every one of the boss fights even if a few of them did tick me off at
first. The difficulty of the boss fights is all over the map. Some
were extremely easy and others were rage inducing, but as I said I
enjoyed them all. There were some really interesting revamped boss
fights from classic Sonic games right alongside the glorious
new fights. Just like with the rest of the game the developers mixed
the old with the new perfectly.
In fact,
every part of Sonic Mania is Sonic fine tuned to
perfection. It has interesting elaborate stages and the controls are
spot on in this release. Sonic is extremely responsive to player
input and the movement physics are simply the best out of ANY Sonic
title. Whether I was avoiding a trap in style or falling victim to
the many obstacles placed in my way, Sonic was always a joy to
control and I never once got frustrated for anything that wasn't my
mistake. If you fail in Sonic Mania it is typically your
fault and not bad design. This hasn't been the case in most recent
Sonic games and it pleased me immensely to see such a well
designed Sonic game. The game requires you to have great
reaction time without being overly difficult or cheap. You have to
stay alert though if you want to come out on top in Sonic Mania.
Mania does a lot right and very little wrong as it speeds its way
into your heart. The only complaint that I have is with the new drop
dash move for Sonic. It didn't feel as useful or natural as the spin
dash so I ended up not using it very much. A very small flaw that
didn't impact my experience with the title. Sonic Mania
pulled on my nostalgia very hard and reminded me exactly why I fell
in love with Sonic and friends when I was young. It made me feel
like I was eight years old again sitting in front of the TV gaming on
my Sega Genesis. There was a ton of love poured into Sonic Mania
and it shows. I think that the development team behind should take
over as the new Sonic Team going forward. I can only hope
that they will be allowed to bring us a Sonic Mania 2.
The Breakdown
Graphics/Audio - 5/5
Gameplay - 4.5/5
Replay Value - 5/5
Final Score - 4.8/5
Sonic Mania Review
Reviewed by ThatNerdGuy0627
March 07, 2018

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