Dearest Kurin,
I hope you are keeping well and fit my friend. I just had quite the laugh from reading your last letter. I wish I could have seen that nobleman's face with you sitting at his table and stuffing your gullet. That would have been priceless. Oh, and apple dumplings? When the hell did you start liking sweets? The Dar'Kurin I know would never choose that sort of thing. I encourage this change and hope it may bring you to open your mind to other things. You can be such a close-minded cat at times. I also support this sudden urge to visit your homeland. In fact, after I settle all of my current affairs I will join you on the journey myself. Just don't let all the other cats kill me in the process. I enjoy breathing and I like my guts on the inside, thank you.
I just recently went through a hellish ordeal in the Cidhna mines. I honestly didn't know if I was going to make it out of there alive. I feared that I may never feel the sun's warmth on my scales again. I got mixed up in the dealing of some Reachman who went by the name of Nepos. Nepos the Nose they called him because he couldn't keep his damn nose out of everyone's business. Turns out the leech was a Forsworn and he tried to have his people murder me. It's a shame that I had to kill them all. After that ordeal, I was framed for several crimes by a group of Markarth guards and thrown into the mines to rot. The mine was very depressing and I swear it felt as if the place was sucking the life out of me. I was surrounded by some of the worst people that Tamriel has to offer. There was but one decent soul down there. A man named Uraccen who ended up showing me the ways of the mines and its prisoners. If not for him I may have never found a way out.
While I was in the mine I found out that Madanach, the King in Rags and leader of the Forsworn rebellion, was also kept there and had his very own private cell. He even had his own private bodyguard. An orc by the name of Borkul the Beast. I promise you, Kurin, that I have never smelled anything as foul as that orc. After using my silver tongue to get by the beast I found myself standing before the King in Rags himself. I wasn't impressed one bit. The man tried to get me involved with a plot to free everyone from the mines and then to paint Markarth red with the blood of the Nords. I stabbed the wretch in his throat instead as he sat writing. After that everything is a bit of a blur. I know that everyone attacked me at once and I had no choice but to go feral. I tapped into my bloodlust and killed them all as a werewolf. I hope that I spared Uraccen, but I may never know if I did. When I came to I found a note on Madanach's body that contained details of an escape route that led out of the mines. After fighting my way through a tunnel full of giant spiders, I was greeted at the end by Thonar Silver-Blood of Markarth. After hearing me out, Thonar was able to secure me a full pardon from Markarth's Jarl. Now I am back at Breezehome and trying my best to enjoy fresh air and open spaces. If you by chance would like to come and visit I have arranged it so that you may walk freely into Whiterun. They will no longer turn you away at the gates, my friend. I would love to see you in person. It's been far too long.
The Tamriel Chronicles - Letter 5 - Going Feral in the Mines
Reviewed by ThatNerdGuy0627
March 16, 2018

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