About Me
Herro Readers!
I would like to take the time to tell you a bit about myself and what I hope my blog can do for you. My name is Jeremy and I'm a level 33 gamer who resides in Columbus, GA, USA. I have been gaming since I was old enough to hold a controller and understand the cause and effect relationship between pressing buttons and making things happen on the TV screen. I play all sorts of games from all genres. Japanese role-playing games (JRPG's) such as Final Fantasy and Persona are my absolute favorite games to play, but I also have a soft spot for fighting games such as Mortal Kombat, Injustice 2, and Killer Instinct. Kicking back and unloading a few clips in games such as Doom, Uncharted, and Gears of War is also a great past time of mine. My point is that I play ALOT of games and don't hate on any gaming platform. I play on Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo consoles and enjoy all of them. The only thing I don't enjoy playing on is the PC. I don't knock it, but it isn't for me. I grew up on consoles and that is what I love. I am a father to five, yes five, wonderful children who are all gamers and their mother, my beautiful Kitten, helps with the blog by serving as my in-house editor. She, too, is a gamer. I love my big nerd family.
On top of being a big gaming nerd, I also love to write. I write for my own personal enjoyment. Of course, you can find all of my writings here on my blog, but I also write for the guys over at etnl.co.uk. ETNL is a fantastic gaming community full of gamers and streamers who love all manner of things ranging from games to anime to wresting and everything in between. The website currently focuses on gaming news, reviews, and articles. We also write up reviews and articles about a ton of different anime. Check it out! I'm sure you'll enjoy it. I am a journalist for the group as well as a moderator or “guardian” in their discord. We have some good times. If you would like to join the discord send me an e-mail or leave a comment and I'll get you an invite. We welcome everyone into our family, but please be respectful!
This blog is intended for all gamers and nerds in general. I hope to make this a happy home for gamers from all over the world. No matter your age, race, gender, or ethnicity. No one is discriminated against. As I stated above, just be respectful to each other if you choose to interact in the comments section. Let's not spread hate or negativity. We are all obviously gamers and we shouldn't be knocking each other down. I think that is enough for the introductions and would like to get into exactly what I think my blog can do for you.
What Value Do I Give?
Due to life circumstances, I have a ton of time on my hands and I fill a lot of it with gaming. I hope to be able to let you, the readers, know what is good and bad in the gaming world. I can grind out a ton of games in one year and I offer unbiased, honest opinions about my gaming experiences. I offer reviews, opinion pieces, and insight into the gaming industry from someone who has been gaming for over 30 years. I'd like to think that I know what I'm talking about at this point. I am also slowly adding anime content to the site as well. I've been watching anime almost as long as I've been gaming.
What Will You Gain From My Posts?
I hope that I may save you a bit of money and/or time if you find out a particular game or anime isn't to your liking by reading one of my articles. I promise that I am extremely honest in my articles and reviews. If I say something is either good or bad, I can always back my thoughts up with solid reasoning. I will always let you know exactly WHY I think something deserves positive or negative marks. You don't ever have to agree with me, but I hope that you will understand my point of view when reading my articles. Feel free to let me know in the comments, on social media, or in my streams. I also hope to entertain you with my original series, titled The Tamriel Chronicles. More on that in the next section.
Types of Posts
Reviews – I post reviews for all sorts of games across all gaming platforms. I plan on posting retro reviews, detailing how well older games hold up in modern times as soon as possible. I would like to start adding reviews for consoles and gear. I also post reviews for anime. I'm currently only reviewing Dragon Ball Super, but I will be adding more series as soon as I can get to them. I'm a one-man team and getting all of my plans off the ground is taking a lot of time and effort. Stick with me and I promise you great things.
Opinion Pieces - These articles are just a little window into my mind and can be about anything and everything. My first opinion piece was about how Mario Kart 8 Deluxe changed my mind in regards to the Mario Kart franchise feeling stale. It's not a review per say but an in-depth look into how I feel about a particular game, anime series, or possibly any other subject under the sun.
The Tamriel Chronicles
The Tamriel Chronicles is a special section where I write about my adventures in Skyrim. I write letters from my custom character to other characters, both NPC's and original creations, and I try my best to let the storyteller in me come out. I used to love writing short stories and poems and I've always enjoyed creating characters from my imagination. I try to blend that all together and give you an entertaining read. I will be expanding this section to include material from Oblivion and The Elder Scrolls Online once I start to exhaust the content from Skyrim. I've only just begun to scratch the surface of this section. It is by far my favorite section to write for. I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy creating it.
Credibility Statement
I haven't been blogging and writing reviews for very long at this point, though I have been growing right alongside the gaming industry for the last 30 years. I have in-depth knowledge about how almost all game types work and have experience in most of them. The only type of games that I haven't delved deep into are Multiplayer Online Battle Arena's (MOBA's) and sports titles such as Madden or the NBA 2K series. Those just aren't my cup of tea. I went to college to be an IT technician and worked in the field for many years so I have a good understanding of modern technology and I'd like to think that I'm pretty internet savvy. I'll let you be the judge from here on out. The point of all of this is to let you know that I understand the things that I will be writing about 100% and I won't blabber on with a ton of nonsense that I can't back up. Be sure to let me know what you think of my articles either here on the blog or on social media. I have two Twitter accounts, one personal and one that is strictly gaming related, that are both tied to this blog. I also have a Facebook account and will be setting up more social media plugs in the future. I've been kicking around the idea of starting a Discord channel for the blog, but I'm going to hold off on that until some interest is shown for it. I'll post all of my social media links below this paragraph. Please feel free to contact me anytime. The best way to reach me would be via Twitter as I am on it daily. If you choose to contact me through any other means I will get to it, yet there may be a small delay.
Twitter,Facebook, and Discord
ThatNerdGuy0627 – This account is strictly gaming related. I share screenshots, videos, and blog posts. I also interact with all of the awesome gamers of Twitter. This account is newer and doesn't have as many followers as my personal account, but it is growing into my favorite of the two. Come and say hi and let's talk shop!
The5thRobin – This is my personal Twitter account and I have had it many years. It is heavily gaming related, but it also offers a little insight into the rest of my interests. Feel free to follow it, though I am warning you right now that it can get NSFW (“Not Safe For Work”). I don't filter myself on this account.
https://www.facebook.com/ThatNerdGuy0627 – This is a link to my Facebook page. This page was created solely for the blog and will be strictly gaming related. Feel free to add me as a friend. I will accept all friend requests unless you cause some sort of trouble or drama. In that case, I will promptly hit the block button.
Discord – I'm holding off on releasing my own Discord channel, however, if you would like to join the ETNL Discord community feel free to send me a message on any of the above social media platforms and I will get you an invite into one of the best gaming communities out there!
About Me
Reviewed by ThatNerdGuy0627
June 29, 2018

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