A Final Fantasy Battle
Final Fantasy is a series of fighting games that originated on
the PSP (PlayStation Portable) handheld back in 2009. It threw
together a lot of Final Fantasy characters into a very unique
fighting game that a lot of people probably missed. It spawned a
sequel on the PSP and eventually led to an arcade release in Japan
that is a lot flashier and more in depth than its portable
predecessors. That game is called Dissidia Final Fantasy NT
and it has now been ported and optimized for the PlayStation 4.
Dissidia NT is an extremely strange fighting game. To me it
feels much closer to something like Super Smash Bros than more
complex fighting games such as Street Fighter or Tekken.
Dissidia NT is an arena fighter and features some of the most
well known Final Fantasy characters in its roster. You'll
find fan favorite heroes and villains such as Cloud, Sephiroth,
Tidus, Vaan, Kefka and many others. Most of the roster has already
been featured in the previous games, but the developers have added
the likes of Noctis from the most recent FF game, Final
Fantasy XV, as well as Ramza from Final Fantasy Tactics
and even an appearance from the Final Fantasy Type – 0 cast.
As a huge fan of Final Fantasy my eyes absolutely lit up when
I saw the character selection screen at the beginning of the game.
An Acquired Taste
original Dissidia games were one on one arena fighters and
though they were pretty complex themselves Dissidia NT has
expanded the idea to three on three and reworked all the mechanics.
That makes this a game that can be very hard to digest in the
beginning; not to mention the fact that the tutorial felt pretty
useless for learning the games more advanced tactics. Due to its
complexity Dissidia can be a hard fighting game to just pick
up and play. Recent fighters such as Marvel vs Capcom 3 and
Dragon Ball FighterZ have tried extra hard to be accessible to
everyone and Dissidia NT feels very cluttered and clunky by
comparison. I know that these are two totally different styles of
fighting games, but my point is that Dissidia isn't very user
friendly. The game can be very overwhelming at first, but once you
get a few hours of gameplay under your belt things become clearer and
everything starts to seem more natural. The game certainly doesn't do
anything to help players get there. As I said, the tutorial could
have been implemented much better and I really wish the game had a
training mode for me to hone my skills with. It seems like a no
brainer to include this mode, yet it is absent.
The game
as a whole feels very bare bones. You have “Gauntlet Mode”, that
is basically Dissidia's equivalent to an arcade mode, as well
as online battles and an extremely weak story mode. You earn gil
during all modes of play that can be spent on things such as new
avatar icons and costumes for your characters. You are also rewarded
with treasures that are Dissidia's form of loot boxes. You
cannot buy these with real money and Square Enix even pokes fun at
the microtransaction loot box craze with the name of one of the
game's trophies.
combat system of Dissidia NT is definitely an acquired taste.
You won't find anything else like it on the market. I assure you of
that. If you are looking for a unique fighting experience, Dissidia
can give you that. I think its uniqueness is the title's best
feature. There is a lot going on at all times in a Dissidia
battle. It's overwhelming but action packed and very fun once you
get the hang of it. Each of the game's 28 characters has a class.
You have “Vanguards” that are basically damage dealers.
“Assassins” that are granted increased mobility such as a triple
jump. Then there are the “Marksmen” that are best at hanging
back and using projectiles and area effect spells. This all comes
together in a very rock-paper-scissors dynamic that can be a thrill
to play when everyone sticks to their roles and works like a team.
As a matter of fact, the makeup of your team can make or break you in
both online and solo play. You really need to cover all the bases
because most of your enemies will and this is doubly so for solo
offline play.
attack system is what takes the longest time to grasp initially. It
can be slightly confusing at first. There are two ways to attack.
One of which does no damage to your opponent's health bar. It may
sound odd to attack and not deal damage, but it should all make sense
shortly. In Dissidia NT you have “Bravery Attacks” and
“HP Attacks”. You attack your opponent with one of your many
“Bravery Attacks” to steal their bravery and add it to your
bravery pool. Once your bravery is high enough you slam your
opponent with an “HP Attack” that will inflict damage on your
opponent equivalent to how much bravery you had stored. If done
correctly you can take out your enemy with one “HP Attack”. That
is if you can pull it off. The moves are highly choreographed and
can be seen coming from a mile away most of the time. If you miss
then you open yourself up to the possibly of an onslaught of attacks.
This creates a very interesting risk/reward mechanic. To make
things even more interesting, if you decide to hoard your bravery and
go for a one hit kill you basically paint a huge target on your back
as everyone can clearly see that your bravery is high enough for the
kill strike and they could all end up ganging up on you.
battles are one risk after another. This isn't anything like a
normal fighting game. You aren't expected to memorize a long string
of inputs to pull off dazzling combos. It's all about using the
right move in the right situation. On top of the “HP/Bravery
Attacks” you also have character skills and magic attacks that can
hinder your foes or buff up your allies. You can also gain the
ability to bring one of the iconic Final Fantasy summon
monsters onto the field to lay waste to your foes. Dissidia NT
is an extremely fast paced game and it presents a lot of information
to you on the screen all at once. It can be very hard to filter out
what is relevant and when. The HUD is very cluttered. There is a
lot to look at during all the chaos, but just like normal fighting
games once you get the hang of it a battle becomes a true test of
wits with one player trying to outsmart the other. There are many
different strategies to master in Dissidia NT and learning all
the characters is where I had the most fun.
story in Dissidia NT
is mostly for show and largely disappointing. The Final
Fantasy series is known for
some very epic tales and you would think that Square Enix could come
up with something decent enough for all of these wonderful
characters. Sadly that is not the case. The story mode is pretty
much a ton of pretty cut-scenes that try to play off fan service more
than actually entertain with a few battles here and there thrown in
for good measure. I found the design of the story mode to be very
cumbersome. You can't just boot up the game and jump right into the
story. You have to play one of the game's other modes first to
unlock memoria that is used to unlock story nodes and advance
forward. The game doesn't tell you this and leaves you to figure it
out on your own. I can't say that I enjoyed flip flopping through
the game's modes very much. It became very tedious to work through
“Gauntlet Mode” only to be rewarded with a cut-scene that was
sometimes only a minute or so in length. It just didn't feel like a
very rewarding experience. They do spice things up with boss battles
against the game's summon creatures. These battles were fun but
could be down right frustrating at times. I rage quit quite a few
times against Ramuh and Leviathan.
of story mode there are two types of matches you can partake in.
There are standard matches and core battles. Standard matches
require you to deplete all three of the opposing teams lives before
you can be claimed the victor. You can also take part in core
battles which are basically Final Fantasy themed capture the
flag matches. The objective is to take the enemy's summon core while
defending your own. This mode is fun but not as much so as the
standard matches. All of the action ends up directed to two points
on the map and things just don't get as interesting. There is no
online match-making for this type of battle. You either play with
friends or with bots. It's also worth mentioning that you can alter
the rules for standard matches when playing with friends. This
enables you to play one on one battles that feel much more like the
original Dissidia titles.
thing of note is the game's summoning mechanic. Summoning crystals
appear on the battlefield periodically. Once you've shattered enough
of them your team can call out a heavy hitting summon that can easily
change the tide of a battle. Summoning opens you up for direct
attack, but if all team members summon at the same time the creature
will be called onto the field almost immediately. I never grew tired
of seeing Alexander or Bahamut entering the fray. It felt identical
to summoning them in the main series only a little better because you
get to see them destroy everything around them for up to a minute at
a time.
online play was fantastic when I was working with friends and we all
stuck to our roles, but when playing with randoms the experience was
chaotic in the worst of ways. This was mainly due to the game's
limited communication system. You can't use a headset to just chat
with your teammates. The game forces you to use its very limited
system of character voice commands to get across your point. It is
very hard to use in the middle of combat and with so much going on at
once it is extremely hard to pay attention to. Online is very fun
with friends if you happen to have a few who own the game. For the
most part I stuck to solo offline play.
The one
thing that Dissidia NT nails without a doubt is the fan
service for Final Fantasy fans. The music, stages,
unlockables, and the characters themselves pull from all the best
parts of the series. I wish there were more of both though. There
is only one stage available from each of the main 15 Final Fantasy
titles. This sounds like a lot, but there are so many settings that
could have served as fantastic arenas that I was left wanting more.
I felt the same way with the characters and really started to resent
how the developers stuck with a hero/villain theme for all of them.
While you get characters from all the major Final Fantasy
games and then some, it's always the game's top hero and villain.
Don't expect to play as any secondary characters like Tifa, Barret,
or Steiner until the game's DLC adds more fighters. While I love the
core gameplay that makes up Dissidia NT, the overall package
leaves a lot to be desired. The design can be questionable at times
and I really wish that this entry had a more fleshed out story.
There is a solid game hidden away in Dissidia NT if you have
the patience to find it.
The Breakdown
Graphics/Audio - 4.5/5
Gameplay - 3.5/5
Story - 2.5/5
Replay Value - 2.5/5
Final Score - 3.25/5
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT Review
Reviewed by ThatNerdGuy0627
March 09, 2018

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