#6 Injustice 2
Injustice 2 is the best superhero themed fighting game that I have ever played. Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 has held that title for quite some time in my mind and I honestly didn't think it would ever be dethroned. The creators of Mortal Kombat first brought DC into the fighting game genre with Mortal Kombat vs DC back on the 360 and PS3. It was fairly lackluster and forgettable. I never got the urge to revisit that title once its shine had worn off. After that, they tried again with the first Injustice. They were very successful that time and managed to mold the MK formula into a tight fighter that focused solely on the DC Comics universe. The Injustice universe is not the familiar multiverse that most fans know. Most of the characters have been changed in some pretty big ways and the series even has a companion comic series that dives much deeper into the story (and it's pretty damn good). Speaking of story, Injustice 2 has one of the best and most in-depth of any fighting game ever. They are fully cinematic and give the roster of characters plenty of creative reasons to be beating the holy hell out of each other.
The various gameplay mechanics that make up Injustice 2 are very deep and rewarding. Whether you want to play offensively or play defense to get your wins in, Injustice 2 gives you a ton of options to do so. It is highly technical, yet remains totally approachable. Players of all skill levels should be able to pick up the controller and pull off impressive acts of violence with ease. The gear system that NetherRealm introduced with Injustice 2, a mechanic that allows you to equip new pieces of equipment onto each fighter that changes their fundamental stats, is the biggest change to the fighter genre in over a decade. Unlocking new gear through the game's loot box system was highly addictive and never a chore. Loot boxes are currently a very hot topic in the gaming world. Injustice 2 handled them with grace and you never feel like you have to “pay to win”. Over the course of my 120 hours with the title, I never spent a dime of real cash. The game has an extreme amount of replayability whether you like to take the fight online or stick to a more solo experience. The net code for online matches is solid and the various modes will keep you playing. The single player experience is probably the biggest in any fighting game. Between story mode, practicing, and the open-ended, never-ending multiverse mode Injustice 2 just keeps on giving. You will find a reason to boot it up time and time again.
PS4 Top 10 -- #6 Injustice 2
Reviewed by ThatNerdGuy0627
December 16, 2017

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