PS4 Top 10 -- #4 TIE -- Skyrim Legendary Edition and Fallout 4 GOTY Edition

#4 Fallout 4 GOTY/Skyrim Legendary Edition

     I know what you're probably thinking. That's two games Nerd Guy not one. That's not how it works. You can't do that! Am I close? Well, I can and I did. Now please keep reading and I'll tell you exactly why I chose to do this.

Fallout 4


     Both Fallout 4 and Skyrim are developed by Bethesda Software and, while the theme of each game is very different, Fallout 4 features a vast nuclear wasteland while Skyrim is a more LotR inspired world. There is no denying that the games share more than a few things in common. The quest/side quests structure is identical in both titles, as is the dialogue system and the way you travel around. Both games are meant to be played in a first person perspective, but give you the option to play in third person if you prefer that. Both series feature some of the biggest and most open worlds you will find in all of gaming. They are both RPGs and contain 100's of hours worth of content. I put both in this spot because of how similar they are, but they do cater to different types of gamers. Skyrim puts a heavy emphasis on melee combat. You use swords, shields, maces, war axes, and more. Fallout 4 plays more like a shooter with the main focus being on gun play. I obviously love both series. Fallout 4 was going to be the only one of the two on the list originally because I play Skyrim on my Xbox so that game slipped my mind. I honestly forgot that it was also on PS4. You can't go wrong with either title. Both feature such rich, outstanding worlds and both have very interesting characters. I think the DLC, all of which is included with both titles, sets the standard for how single player DLC should be handled. If you haven't tried them, you owe it to yourself to at least give them a shot.

PS4 Top 10 -- #4 TIE -- Skyrim Legendary Edition and Fallout 4 GOTY Edition PS4 Top 10 -- #4 TIE -- Skyrim Legendary Edition and Fallout 4 GOTY Edition Reviewed by ThatNerdGuy0627 on December 23, 2017 Rating: 5

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