Update on Letters From Tamriel

Hey, ladies and gents!  I just wanted to make a short post to update everyone on my "Letters From

Tamriel" feature.  I was busy writing up the 2nd letter earlier and wanted to inject some authentic

Argonian language into it so I started to do a little research.  Now I'm still sitting behind my monitor

researching a fake language many hours later.  I'm not gonna have the newest letter out today like

I had planned.  I want to deliver the most creative writing possible so I'm gonna take a bit more time

and research the language and other things a bit more.  I think we will all be happier with the final

product if I do.  It won't take long.  I promise!  Letter 2 will be coming to a screen near you soon.

Update on Letters From Tamriel Update on Letters From Tamriel Reviewed by ThatNerdGuy0627 on November 07, 2017 Rating: 5

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