The Tamriel Chronicles
Letter 2 - Dear Kurin
Dearest Kurin
I write this letter to you as I sit atop a gigantic mushroom in Solstheim. What a marvelous place this is. I just had to write to you to tell you about its beauty. I wish you could be here by my side to see this. The volcano on the horizon spilling forth its ash is hypnotizing to me, though I don't wish to stay here any longer than I have to. My travels have brought me to Morrowind after being attacked by some crazed cultists back in Whiterun. After dealing with the filth I discovered they had been sent to kill me by some xhuth named Miraak. They claim that he is the 1st Dragonborn though I don't see how that is possible. One of the wretches directed me here to Solstheim before taking his final breath. After arriving on the island I began interrogating the locals about Miraak. It immediately became apparent that a majority of Solstheim's population has been unconsciously enslaved by Miraak and forced to work on these runic monoliths known as "All-Maker Stones", that are scattered all across the island. It's a truly horrific scene watching them work on the stones. They have such vacuous looks on their faces. They never stop, not even to eat or sleep. And they just piss and defecate on themselves as they work. I must do something about this. It cannot continue much longer. These people did nothing to deserve this. I am now at a place known as Tel Mithryn with some Telvanni Wizard named Neloth. This place is literally carved into the gigantic mushroom that I am sitting atop. It is truly a sight to behold. I was almost killed as soon as I arrived. A god damn frost dragon attacked the place before I could step through the damn door. Can't even hold a conversation these days without one popping in. Fucking things. They are everywhere I go. The dark elf Neloth, whose company I wish to be rid of, is an eccentric, self-absorbed, tyrannical taskmaster with little to no regard for the safety of those beneath him. I wanna hit the whelp everytime he opens his mouth. I don't have time to deal with an elf with a superiority complex. At least the view from the mushroom is nice. In a way, it's worth all the trouble just seeing this. I so wish that you were here sharing some of these experiences with me. I understand that you like to keep to yourself Kurin but you're missing out on life just wandering around Skyrim all by yourself selling that god awful daril. You were meant for more than that. You can get close to some people, you know. Not everyone is going to hurt you. And if they do I will separate the xhuth's head from their body. You have my word. It would be nice if you would write back to me sometime. I don't even know if these letters are making it to you. I'd love to hear how you are doing. If you were here with me now I know you would be picking up all manner of things to use in your alchemy practice. I've tried my best to grab as much scathecraw and trama root as I can carry. I've been practicing alchemy lately because it reminds me of you. Well wishes to you, my friend. Maybe we will see each other one day soon.
The Tamriel Chronicles - Letter 2
Reviewed by ThatNerdGuy0627
November 12, 2017

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