The Tamriel Chronicles
Letter 3 - Dear Scalera
Dar'kurin is always happy to hear from his scaly, lizard breathed sister. It means you draw breath still. You are going to get yourself killed with all that drivel you write to him. Leading the companions, joining the thieves guild, and taking on dragons on a daily basis. It's madness, friend. Dar'kurin always knew you weren't right in the head. If you were smart like him you would stick to the shadows and keep to yourself more often.
Dar'kurin has had a few adventures of his own as of late. He has stalkers. Bandits mostly. They follow him in hopes of finding out where he keeps his stores of moon sugar, nightshade, and fully processed skooma. OVER DAR'KURIN'S DEAD BODY! He is not an idiot and keeps them in separate places. He was forced to show one unlucky Nord what their insides looked like when Dar'kurin found them snooping around where they didn't belong. You know better than anyone that Dar'kurin detest violence, but that moon sugar is his life. Anyone who tries to take it is signing their own death warrant. That goes for you as well lizard breath.
Dar'Kurin is thinking about traveling to Elsweyr. It would be nice for him to see the Khajiit homeland. It would also be pleasant for him to come out of his bubble without being called carpet, rug, or cat. The damn Nords would have both your and his kind back in chains without blinking an eye. Don't you dare write back and argue this point with him.....lizard. Dar'kurin longs to be able to walk free for a bit without scrutiny or being profiled. He knows what one thinks. Yes, Dar'kurin is a wandering Khajiit skooma dealer and a thief, but he keeps to himself, mostly, and doesn't bother anyone that doesn't deserve it. He doesn't see how you do it, Scalera. You put up with all manner of nonsense in dealing with the witless men and mer. They don't even allow his kind in the cities. He is shocked you can run about as freely as you do. It must be convenient being the “Dragonborn”. An Argonian Dragonborn, who could have ever predicted that?
Dar'kurin managed to get into Windhelm not two moons ago and caused a bit of a ruckus. He does like to raise a little hell for the Nords from time to time. They don't seem to care much about screwing up his life for no reason, so the favor must be repaid. He chose a nobleman's house who is known for being quite the prick and decided to treat himself to the man's kitchen during the night. He swears the man almost died of a heart attack when he saw Dar'kurin sitting at the table enjoying some apple dumplings. The look on the man's face was priceless and almost made him choke. Dar'kurin must go now. He has skooma to make.......and take.
Stay alive,
The Tamriel Chronicles - Letter 3
Reviewed by ThatNerdGuy0627
January 04, 2018

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