Dragon Ball Super Episode 3 Review

Where Does the Dream Pick Up?! Find the Super Saiyan God!

* Warning -This review does contain spoilers*

     So far the early episodes of Dragon Ball Super have focused on catching us up on the lives of all the major players of the Dragon Ball universe. This episode continues this trend again but finally gives us a look into the two newest additions to the cast as well as adding a little more detail to the overall plot. Beerus, the god of destruction, and his companion Whis are both given a lot of screen time this episode and it was surely needed at this point. We learn several interesting tidbits about the pair. Apparently, Whis is the fastest being in the universe and Lord Beerus himself is what caused the dinosaurs to go extinct ages ago. Who would have thought? We also find out that Beerus was responsible for quite a few major events in Dragon Ball's past. I don't want to spoil everything so I encourage you to watch this episode for some really good Dragon Ball lore. These events instantly give Beerus more relevance in the overall scheme of things. It certainly surprised this Dragon Ball fan. I am absolutely loving this duo so far. They both seem to have an appetite, the size of which could rival Goku's. I can't wait to see more of them.

     The overall plot of this episode hinged on King Kai keeping Goku in the dark about the existence of Lord Beerus. All of the Kai's seem to think that Goku will agitate the god of destruction to the point of blowing up the Earth. We have seen Beerus destroy one planet per episode so far, over very trivial things, so the idea doesn't seem that far-fetched. Lord Beerus is a deity; a god with tremendous power. We all know that Goku loves to challenge anyone with a significant amount of power to a brawl. I can already see where this is going. If you, like me, have seen the Battle of the Gods feature film you know exactly what is about to happen. I love that they are translating that film to the anime as it allows them to tell a less rushed tale. When I first found out that they were stretching that story along 14 episodes I was worried that we would get a bunch of pointless filler. We are still getting filler material, but it is actually enhancing the experience in my eyes.

     We got two more flashbacks to DBZ this episode. The first one was during Goku's scenes with King Kai. We got a fresh reminder of how King Kai got his halo and also a bit of insight into his feelings on the fact that Goku has revived all of his friends with the help of the Dragon Balls except for him, Bubbles, and Gregory of course. There was a lot of humor in these parts. Honestly, Dragon Ball Super seems to be soaked in humor so far and I'm enjoying it all. It's a bit over the top sometimes, but this is Dragon Ball we are talking about. The series has always had a quirky sense of humor. The other flashback took us back to the battle between Goku and Frieza, shortly after Goku had transformed into a Super Saiyan for the first time. Unable to recall his dream from earlier, Lord Beerus consults with an odd creature known as the oracle fish. This cute little creature confirmed that Beerus was looking for a Super Saiyan God and Beerus was very eager to start his search by confronting the Saiyan that is located on the planet of the North Kai. King Kai is the Kai of the North, correct? I don't think King Kai is going to be able to keep Goku separated from Beerus for very long.

     The episode wrapped up things by reuniting us with the entirety of the Dragon Ball gang as they met up for Bulma's birthday party aboard a luxurious cruise ship. When I say everyone, I mean everyone. We see Yamcha, Tien, Videl, Gohan, Piccolo, and pretty much every other major character that is still around at this point. My favorite part of this was noticing that Trunks is now quite a bit taller than Goten. Yes, that is completely irrelevant to the plot, but it is yet another detail that shows the passage of time for these characters. I like that type of attention to detail. I also enjoyed seeing Master Roshi being his usual perverted self. It was another blatant reminder that we are still watching the saga from my childhood. During the closing moments of this episode I felt that the creators had finished the introductions that they set out for and are now ready to bring us to our first major conflict; Goku versus Beerus. I think that the time for fun, games, and jokes is over as Whis and Lord Beerus close in on King Kai's planet. Will King Kai's planet survive the next couple of episodes? Find out next time on Another Day, Another Game. “Said in my best impersonation of the DBZ announcer”

Final Score - 3.5/5 Dragon Balls

Dragon Ball Super Episode 3 Review Dragon Ball Super Episode 3 Review Reviewed by ThatNerdGuy0627 on February 02, 2018 Rating: 5

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