The Tutorial

The Tutorial, An Introduction

     Welcome to my blog everyone!!! As this is my first post I would like to use it to introduce myself and layout what I aim to accomplish with this blog. My name is Jeremy, aka That Nerd Guy. I'm a level 32 gamer with a huge gamer family and way too much time on my hands. Obviously I love gaming and writing but there is a bit more to me. I'm very family oriented with 5 children with ages ranging from 7-15. All of them are gamers like me! Three of them are big PC gamers, one is into consoles, and the other one will play on anything you put in front of her. I love them all so much! I can't leave out my Kitten, aka Nancy, who owns my heart and all of my being. She's not as big of a gamer as the rest of us but she does love her Tera and Stardew Valley. She is my in house editor and catches my many mistakes with commas and other grammatical errors. What would I do without her?
     The goal of this blog is to find a place to blurt out every single gaming related thought I have. My opinions on games and things going on in the gaming community. I will be posting news, reviews and articles about anything else that I want to write about. It won't be limited to just gaming. The gaming community is vast and most of us share similar interests outside of our games so I'll be including things dealing with anime, movies, TV and comic books. All the various fandoms that I love so much. I would also like to use this blog as a way to get my streaming accounts a bit more exposure. You should so head over to and check out my page and maybe throw me a follow. I'd greatly appreciate it. With that being said I hope to reach out to a lot of you in the world of blogging, gaming, and streaming. I hope you all enjoy what I post.

                                                                                                                  Nerd Guy out
The Tutorial The Tutorial Reviewed by ThatNerdGuy0627 on October 19, 2017 Rating: 5

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