The Tamriel Chronicles - Letter 1

The Tamriel Chronicles

Letter 1 - Dear Kurin

Dearest Kurin,
I know it has been many moons since my last letter but a lot has happened in the last few months. I am growing increasingly busy with each new sunrise. In my last letter I told you about me becoming the Thane of Whiterun. Since then, I have also taken leadership of the Companions here and joined the college at Winterhold to learn magic. Don't you doubt me because I dislike the study and don't you dare call me a hypocrite either. I'll set your fur ablaze if you do! I have also become a member of the Thieves Guild, Kurin. I know you of all people will not judge me for this. The guild is the reason for this letter. I have a decision to make and I just don't know what to do. Recently, we in the guild were betrayed by one of our own and I'm not talking anything small. We'll most likely take his head when we locate the filthy rat. That is, if we can muster the power to defeat him. My fellow guild members Karliah and Brynjolf believe that the only way to do this is to transact an oath with Nocturnal, the Daedra. If I take this oath I will serve her in both life and from beyond the grave. I believe all of my companions are worth sword, shield, and the very air I breathe, but we're talking about a Daedra here and my afterlife. I just don't know what to do my friend. If I run now, I could be watching over my shoulder for the rest of my days with the knowledge that's in my head. Sometimes I wish I had chosen a more simple, boring life. This is what I get for gallivanting around with thieves and trying to take on dragons. I must end my writing here so that I may ponder on things that have transpired. I hope this letter reaches you swiftly and that you are faring better than I right now. I hope you haven't overdosed on your skooma stores yet. You can't sell it if you're dead!


The Tamriel Chronicles - Letter 1 The Tamriel Chronicles - Letter 1 Reviewed by ThatNerdGuy0627 on October 30, 2017 Rating: 5

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